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Poguwatu Village (The Leporous Village)

Many of you have been following our mission with Poguwatu village for several years.

Our vision is to make Poguwatu Village, once-forgotten and isolated, a better place than before.

Little by little we have been developing this village to become a fully self-sufficient community.

We’ve already established several clean water wells and a child education center. We also regularly send relief packages to the villagers.

Our most recent initiative in Poguwatu is to build a Community Development Center to empower the adults in the village.

Here, the adults will be able to carry out worship, meetings, training, and other constructive activities. 

At this stage, we have obtained the land to build the center. To continue, we still need funds for the building materials and workers.

Mercy Sumba staff singing land agreement

For those who have a heart for this village and have been following its incredible progress, we ask for continued support to see this through!

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