“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14

In Indonesia, in the obscure but beautiful province of Sumba, there is a village cut off from the rest of civilization. That village’s name is Poguwatu.
Forgotten by Man, but Not by God
We have been working in Sumba, specifically Poguwatu village, for several years.
We first heard about this village from locals who told us the story of a tribe in the remote mountains of Sumba who were ostracized by society for being leprous. Yes, leprosy in our modern day and age.

Unreached and untouched for generations, we traveled for hours, even by foot, through the mountainous terrain to see them for ourselves.
Although this village had been struggling to get basic necessities like food and clean water, we were surprised by how many children were there. With over 200 families, each has around 5 children.
We knew we had to act.
Along with our partners, we quickly funded initiatives to build wells and children’s learning centers and supply the locals with food and shoes.
Why do we care so much for such a small village?
Because while man may forget about the lost, God does not, and we are called to be his hands and feet.
Vivamus cursus tortor lectus, non blandit tortor tempor ac. Praesent egestas est eu quam convallis, sollicitudin consequat diam faucibus. Nulla mauris purus, volutpat a arcu quis, aliquet tincidunt leo. Mauris lectus enim, elementum sed enim rutrum, bibendum convallis turpis. Nam lacinia tincidunt nisi.
Current Projects and Partnerships for Sumba and Poguwatu Village
Mercy Peduli (Mercy Care) has partnered with RPFFG – Reaching People Far From God. Thanks to their efforts in posting flyers and communicating the need to various communities, we received very generous donations from two churches.
To those churches, we thank you wholeheartedly. Because of your kind heart and compassion, we established a water pump that can be physically operated along with the new well.
Now, the villagers will no longer have to travel for hours on foot through the mountains in harsh conditions to bring a small amount of water back.
How You Can Be a Solution to the Growing Needs in Poguwatu Village

Although we’ve been able to finish so much ground-breaking work in the region, there is still a need for another water tank to support the rapid growth and size of the village.